Practice These 4 Yoga Poses to Prepare for Forearm Stand

Friday, April 7, 2017


Are you interested in adding Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana) to your yoga practice but not sure where to begin? Not only is Forearm Stand a beautiful and impressive asana – Forearm Stand has great benefits to your mind and body too.

Adding inversions like Forearm Stand to your yoga practice can help increase brain function and memory, create a sense of balance and grounding, stimulate the endocrine system, and strengthen your arms and shoulders.

The key to a strong Forearm Stand? Gaining control over your body and letting go of fear.

To achieve your Forearm Stand goals, properly preparing your body and mind is essential. Practicing the following yoga poses will help you increase body awareness and body control, create more stability, and conquer fear in your Forearm Stand practice.

Here are 4 yoga poses to prepare you for Forearm Stand:

1. Forearm Plank

Forearm Plank is an excellent pose to strengthen your arms, shoulders and core. Adding Forearm Plank to your regular yoga practice will help you gain the strength needed to hold Forearm Stand.

Let’s try it:

From a Table Top position, place your forearms on the mat with your fingers pointing forward

Straighten your legs to come in a Plank position on your forearms

Direct your gaze down between your forearms

Hold and breathe steadily for 30 seconds to 1 minute

Release to Childs Pose for a few breaths then repeat

Alignment tips:

Keep your shoulders stacked above your elbows

Push your shoulders away from your ears, and don’t allow your chest drop toward the ground

Focus on engaging your core – don’t allow your belly or hips to drop toward the ground
2. Dolphin Pose

Dolphin Pose is an excellent yoga pose to feel the weight shifting to your forearms and hands. If you consistently practice Dolphin Pose, you will strengthen your core muscles and create muscle memory to prepare yourself to balance this way upside down.

Let’s try it:

Begin in Forearm Plank

Slowly walk the feet closer towards your elbows and allow your hips to lift

Keep your shoulders stacked above your elbows

Release your head and neck, and gaze toward your feet

Shift your weight slightly from your feet to your forearms and hands

Alignment tips:

Spread your fingers wide and press your fingertips into the mat

If you have tight shoulders, interlace your fingertips for more comfort and stability

Continue to push your forearms into the mat and press your shoulders away from your ears

If your hamstrings are tight, keep a slight bend in the knees


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